Monday, October 27, 2008

Flash floods cause land slips in Sabah and Labuan

Source:Star online

Continuous rain over the past three days resulted in flash floods and land slips in various parts of Sabah and Labuan with some villagers near the city being ordered to evacuate their houses which were in danger of collapsing.Among the worst hit areas was Kampung Lokub in Menggatal, some 15km from the city, where several houses were seriously damaged after a nearby slope gave way on Sunday.Police personnel who arrived in the area immediately told the villagers to evacuate their homes for fear that other houses were in danger as well.The flood will damage all things that we loved in our house when the rain is not stopped.We cannot expect when then the flood will occur .so we must prepare for trouble in any condition.The flood will increase the probability of risk to death.We hope the victim of flood place can be patient and any help will come to hellp them.The cooperation between all victims will be easiar for the rescue task.Don't make a worst condition it will be hurt all others.

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