Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to be a global engineer

source:news strait time
As the student engineer we prefer to be a global engineer after we graduate
Some suggestion is given by following given
-strive to achieve our excellent result in univercity we learn
-train to active in outdoor activities in club or personal
-learn to solve more problem efectively that we have
-prepare to do our workings in tidiness
-set time our life in univercity in a schedule
-obey the timetable honestly
-be concious in time quiz or assignment will be always given
-enlarge our knowledge by reading more imformation materials
-enable to communicate well in variety of language especially english
-learn to be a leader in anywhere place we join
-know global news that occured in another conutry
-involve in camping or outside difficult activeties
-know the news production from any local o foriegn factory
-have exellent skill in lab acttivies
-know how to atract people attention.

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