Monday, October 27, 2008


Source:News strait Time
Can draw a cartoon ?We like to watch the cartoon such like Mikey Mouse,Naruto or all others.
The word cartoon has various meanings, based on several very different forms of visual art and illustration. The term has evolved over time. The original meaning was in fine art, and there cartoon meant a preparatory drawing for a piece of art such as a painting or tapestry.Consequently, artist draw a cartoon when he see a things special for him .He start to imagine a cartoon by drawing it in a paper.It is not easy to him to found out a character a cartoon.Sometimes, the cartoon is funny or great to look.Many cartoons that has drawn before to create a story to have a lot of character involved.It will be in comics or magazines .Some action in a comics we cannot believe it just to put some the special views to the reader.So, enjoy ourself to be have a cartoon we like.It will be interesting to us...

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